Funding for ConferenceAABIG convenes for a one day conference each year for the instruction librarians. This conference of blind jury-selected panels, lectures, and interactive sessions give librarians from all types of libraries (public, academic, and school media) a valuable learning and professional development opportunity.
While registration for the conference is free, AABIG is most appreciative of any and all financial support. All funds are used for printing materials, such as programs, name tags, maps, and certificates of attendance, as well as complimentary conference services like breakfast, snack breaks, and our keynote speaker. In these tough budgetary times, participating libraries and librarians sometimes curtail their previous generosity, making it increasingly difficult to provide the same opportunities. We are proud to offer free registration to all librarians, so that those who need it most, but can afford it least, have the same opportunities to learn, present, and network. Please help us keep the AABIG conferences affordable for everyone. Times are tight for all, but the financial support of any and all participants and participating institutions/libraries are greatly appreciated. |